Join us for the first (hopefully annual) Science and Engineering Fair! Students will conduct an experiment or embark on a design challenge and present their results during the fair. Students are encouraged to come up with their own questions and will receive feedback from our team of science teachers.

Though there are some guidelines to follow, no experiment is too silly or bizarre as long as it follows the scientific method. Does food color affect the speed at which ice melts? How much corn starch can you add to water before oobleck loses its non-newtonian fluid properties? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? If they can design a process to test and answer their question, we want to see the results!

Dates & Location

The Science Fair will take place during the Spring Arts Exhibition on Saturday, April 27th, 2024. Project setup and judging will be Friday night from 6-8 pm. The registration deadline is April 13th, 2024.

Details, Rules & Guidelines

Students will be broken into 2-3 categories (based on participation):

  • Elementary aged students (Grades 3-5) can submit projects following these guidelines.
  • Middle and high school students (Grades 6-12) can submit projects following these guidelines.


  1. Students should be able to complete science-based work independently at a 3rd through 12th grade level.
  2. Students should submit only their own work. This can be an assignment or question presented as part of a class, but the procedure and method must be of the students own design (for example: a curriculum based assignment outlining how to measure the effect of light on plant growth would not be permitted, but an assignment asking the student to figure out the effect of light on plant growth, but provides no explanation of how to accomplish that would be fine).
  3. No experiments involving animals are permitted.
  4. Experiments involving humans must be done so with full awareness and consent of those involved (e.g. no blind taste tests to see how much soap you can slip into your parents coffee before they start acting funny).
  5. Experiments and designs must be conducted safely. Goggles, gloves, and adult supervision are a must whenever necessary, and all chemicals or other materials need to be disposed of safely.
  6. All presentation materials and conclusions should be age/ability appropriate, e.g. an elementary student’s project should not look the same as a high schooler’s project.

Getting Started

  • Think of a question or design idea you wanted to try.
  • Talk with your parents about your idea, once you’ve settled fill out the form to enter the fair.
  • Start a log book or journal (any notebook would work) and take notes as you go. Try to stay organized. If you need to, use the attached log book outline to guide your process. All presentations must have a logbook or journal for review.
  • Follow the Scientific Method or process of Engineering Design.
  • Record the results of your experiment.
  • Create a presentation display board and practice explaining your process to your family. Presenting what you learned and how you got there is a huge part of this process. 
  • Students in the middle/high school category must also provide a final report, typed with proper citations.


To register for the science fair, enter your information below.

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