Grace Extra is an afternoon of extracurricular classes for children who are in Kindergarten (and 5 years old) through 12th grade. We also have a preschool classroom for 4 year olds who are potty trained. We have a phenomenal lineup of classes to engage your children in learning while you get a much needed break. Grace Extra is a drop off program, but you are welcome to stay if you prefer. You may sign up for any number of classes and are not required to stay the entire afternoon.

Extra East is in Fairport and Extra West is in Greece. Our sessions take place for 12 weeks in the fall and 12 weeks in the winter. For specific details, please view our class catalog below.

What makes Extra unique?

Your children can take 4 classes that fit their needs and interests without any extra driving on your part. Cover subjects and interests such as karate, dance, cooking, sewing, fiber arts, Lego robotics, chorus, sculpture and more all in one afternoon! Added bonus – siblings can take completely different classes and that’s even LESS driving!

Interested in teaching a class?

Our instructor positions are full for the winter but you can submit your class idea for Fall 2025 here!

Winter 2025 Course Catalog

To view our Winter 2025 Course Catalog click here or on the image below.

Quick Links:

Please view the above course catalog for registration information, class descriptions, policies and procedures, instructor bios and more!


Registration for Winter 2025 is December 2nd, 2024. Drop your information below to stay in touch!

We look forward to seeing you at Extra!

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