Homeschooling through High School

It’s common to feel overwhelmed by the thought of homeschooling through high school, but it is completely achievable and not only can your kids still attend college, but they’re likely to even be recruited by colleges. Institutions of higher learning have started to realize that homeschooled students do better than their public schooled counterparts (on average) and actively seek to add them to their student body. If your student is college bound, homeschooling is not a compromise at all and might even put them at a significant advantage.

Meeting Requirements

Unlike the earlier grades where there’s a bit of flexibility, high school has some more specific requirements that have to be met to graduate. Below is a chart of two options – homeschool requirements (minimal) and public school requirements (recommended for college bound students).

Earning a Diploma

There are a few paths to high school graduation for home educated students.

  1. A letter of equivalency from your local school district. Most homeschool students use this option and it is not widely reported that people have issues obtaining them (though some people do).
  2. 24 Credit Hour College Equivalency. By taking a specific selection of college courses (typically via dual enrollment) a student can be considered to have completed high school without any specific documentation from the district. All SUNY colleges must offer this 24 credit program.  It is typically considered a second chance option for people who discontinued high school, and so is not widely used in the homeschool community.
  3. Passing any 5 Regents Exams. You can request that your local high school administer Regents Exams to your homeschooled student, however they do not have to allow it. For science classes, you will also need to document 16 hours of lab work.
  4. TASC (formerly GED). This test is generally not preferred by the homeschool community as the best pathway to college.

Off Campus Dual Enrollment Programs

Grace is pleased to have partnered with MCC and Roberts Wesleyan to offer Dual Enrollment classes at our program, Branches in Spencerport. Our qualified instructors deliver college content at a high school pace for a gentle introduction to college level academics. To learn more, click here.

On Campus Dual Enrollment Programs

There are a number of excellent options for on campus dual enrollment programs in the Greater Rochester Area.

Need more support? Check out some of our options below! Homeschool Coaching is 1:1 coaching sessions that are personalized to your needs. Roadmap is a group experience where we cover the basics and then split up into breakout sessions that fit your interests. If you’re unsure about paperwork and would like an experienced homeschooler to review yours, select paperwork review! We’re here to equip you on your homeschooling journey!

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