If you’ve looked at curriculum at all then you’re aware that you can become overwhelmed immediately. There is SO MUCH to choose from. So how do you know which works best for your family?
Trial and Error
In the words of a dear friend, buying curriculum you don’t use is part of the cost of homeschooling. Some people find what they love right away, but for most the process is trial and error. That’s okay. Give yourself permission to not figure everything out right away.
3 Main Factors
- Educational Methods. In the homeschool world there are roughly seven educational methods. They are Charlotte Mason, Classical, Montessori, Unschooling, School at Home, Unit studies and eclectic education. Click here to discover your approach (note this could change over time and that’s okay!).
- Religious vs. Secular. If you’re a secular family you’ll obviously want to veer away from religious curriculum. A lot of curriculum is religiously oriented.
- Cost. Some curriculum is REALLY expensive and if you can’t afford it, that will be a factor in your decision making.
There are websites upon websites of curriculum reviews and it can be very overwhelming. We’ve curated a few lists to get you started.
Religious and Secular Curriculum Lists
- List of popular protestant (often referred to as Christian) homeschool curriculum, click here.
- List of Catholic homeschool curriculum, click here.
- List of Secular Curriculum (broken down by approach), click here.
Other Resources
- Cathy Duffy Homeschool Reviews. A huge website with curriculum finders, reviews, lists, and more.
- Rainbow Resource Center. Like Amazon but for homeschooling.
- The Homeschool Mom. A website of homeschooling resources on popular topics like returning to public school and homeschooling through high school.
- Rochester’s FREE Curriculum Cache. Click here to learn more.
We hope this helps you get started! If you have anything else you think we should include in this post, email info@graceroc.com.
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