Eager to jump into the homeschool community with your preschooler? Check out our program designed just with you in mind on Monday mornings in Spencerport. 

Who is Sprouts for?

Sprouts is a cooperative program (parent led) for families who have children in Kindergarten and younger, including infants.

Please note that all children in the building must be enrolled, so unfortunately older siblings cannot tag along. If your family has older children, please look into Littles for 3rd grade and under and under or Branches for 12th grade and under.

This is a cooperative program meaning parent participation is required and includes responsibilities such as leading activities, aiding, and cleanup.

To sign up for a visit click here.


We’ll be enjoying a craft and story together as well as time in the gym. We’ll have 4 age groups – nursery (under 2), 2 year olds, 3 year olds and 4-5 year olds.

When and Where

Sprouts is on Monday mornings from 9-11 am in Spencerport for 12 weeks in the fall (September through December) and 12 weeks in the winter/spring (January through April).

Our program dates can be found here.


The costs involved are as follows:

  • Tuition: $30 base fee (paid once per family) and $20 per student per semester.
  • A $25 background check fee per attending adult (once every three years)
  • A $48 membership fee (per family annually). The membership fee covers insurance and access to all of our field trips, community events, mom’s nights, programming and more!


  • Activity Lead/Activity Aide.  Adults will be expected to teach or aide regularly.
  • Cleanup. Each family is assigned to a team responsible for one area every other week. Cleanup is minimal (e.g. wiping down tables, cleaning chalk boards, sweeping, vacuuming, emptying the garbage) and takes 15-30 minutes. There is childcare available during clean up.
  • Attendance. Since our program is volunteer run we depend on the participation of our parents to help the program run smoothly. We ask that parents plan no more than two absences a semester. We realize that sicknesses and family emergencies can’t be helped, but do ask that you do your best to attend weekly.
  • Background check. We require that all adults in the building complete a background check.

Would you like more information?

Click here and our Sprouts Program Director will get in contact with you.

Would you like to visit?

Click here to sign up to come check our the program in person.


We would love for you to join us! To save your spot for the fall, simply fill out the form below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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